The Story Behind the Safe in the Storm Story

A number of years ago, I taught at a Ukrainian Seminary that translated and published my books for Ukrainians. When the Russia/Ukraine war began, a ministry partner in Europe used a printer in Poland to print 5,000 copies of Safe in the Storm: biblical strategies for overcoming anxiety and sent them in to Ukraine to be given away. Following their example, on March 16, 2022, we set as a goal to raise $25,000 to print 25,000 copies of Safe in the Storm to be given to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. At the time, that number seemed God-sized to me.

God Provides Precisely

Less than two weeks later, a local business owner inquired about the cost of the printing. When I told him it was $25,000, he replied, “You need to hear my story.” He proceeded to share of a business deal that had gone bad years earlier. However, a few weeks ago, the former business partner had written him to express regret and make right his portion of the debt. He had included his first of several payments: a check for $25,000. The business owner told me that for several days he had been staring at the check and asking Jesus what to do with it. Then he added, “Now I know.” A week later we received his gift for $25,000.  God had provided the exact amount, and we hadn’t even made the need known publicly.

The Needs of the Children

A few days later, through missionaries in Poland, I learned of a warehouse in Warsaw that was housing 5,000 women and children. That was an image I could not shake. Later that week, as I went for a run, it dawned on me, that while God had opened the door for me to help the adult refugees, I had done nothing for the Ukrainian children. In the middle of the run, I was overwhelmed with emotion at the thought of so many refugee children.

UNICEF reported “Every single minute, 55 children have fled their country. That is, a Ukrainian child has become a refugee almost every single second since the start of the war.”

A Ukrainian child has become a refugee almost every single second since the start of the war.”

UNICEF spokesperson, James Elder

I kept thinking, “Pure religion and undefiled before God is this to visit orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27). By the time my run was over, I knew what I was to do. I would write a children’s story about two siblings and set the story in the geography and culture that Ukrainian children would recognize. A young brother and sister lost in a storm on the Black Sea, make their way to the lighthouse on an island. There, the lighthouse keeper takes them in and shares that God cared so much that he sent the Great Rescuer, Jesus. In the end, the children would be reunited with their parents. And so, Safe in the Storm: A Ukrainian Children’s Tale was born.

I reached out to a veteran missionary actively helping with the relief effort in Ukraine with the idea. He responded with four words: “Will pray. Much needed.”

I had a printer, and a story. I would need an illustrator, editors, and a translator.

The Rest of the Story

Years ago, a young woman’s family began attending our church. She was a gifted artist and had often responded to my last-minute requests for artwork. I called her, she caught the vision, and began sketching that day.

Meet Nicolai and his sister, Natasha, from Safe in the Storm: A Ukrainian Children’s Tale

Having never written a work of fiction or a children’s book, I knew I would need help with the story and character development. Two young, creative storytellers joined the effort. Their help has been invaluable.

Over a decade ago, I met a young Ukrainian who had grown up in a ministry family in Ukraine. Under her and her husband’s advisement, we agreed upon a dual translation of both Ukrainian and Russian making the truths of the book understandable to as many refugees as possible.

In less than a week, God had provided a story, an illustrator, editors, a translator, and a printer.

In the meantime, our European ministry partner informed us that inflation was so rapid in Europe that the printer in Poland could only hold his contracted price for 24 hours before he would have to rebid with the paper supplier. Meaning, we would have to agree to accept a bid on printing a children’s book that had not yet been written, illustrated, translated, or funded.

And so it was that on April 14th, less than one month after we had ordered 25,000 copies of the adult version of Safe in the Storm, we agreed to order 25,000 copies of a children’s version of Safe in the Storm: A Ukrainian Tale. In this way, both the mother and the child-age refugees would receive a book when the distribution took place. By faith, we would trust God to provide the strength and resources to complete the task.

Please Pray

The apostle Paul said that God can do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or think. We are trusting that he will. Please pray with us in this effort.

phil moser lighthouse

Phil Moser is the author behind the Biblical Strategies series for personal growth, counseling, and discipleship. His men’s small group study, 4M Training, helps men apply key spiritual growth dynamics. His unique small group videos are beautifully filmed at National Park locations and are offered free of charge. They are an excellent addition to the Biblical Strategies family of resources. His works have been translated into Mandarin, Russian, and German.

Safe in the Storm Small Group Videos were filmed on location at 5 historic lighthouses on the Outer Banks.
Taking Back Time Small Group Videos were filmed on location at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

6 Comments on “The Story Behind the Safe in the Storm Story”

  1. How awesome is our God to put this on our brother and sister in Christ hearts. Looks amazing! Love all the strategies, continuing in prayer for this to bring comfort.

  2. That’s amazing Pastor Phil. God’s gifted soldiers heard Him whisper that need to their hearts. They gathered their weapons of writing, art, teaching, printing and stewardship to battle against the enemy’s storm of fear and danger. May the message bring comfort and hope as they trust the One who can defeat any weapon or enemy formed against Him. God bless this outreach with safe delivery and changed hearts.

  3. What a blessing!! The Lord truly does exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think! One of Roy’s favorite verses. Will be praying that the financial needs are met and that many come to know the Lord.

  4. Pastor Phil is my church pastor. He is truly a gift from God. This is another example that all things are possible through God. Will continue to pray for the success of this effort.

  5. May God richly bless the efforts to provide this children’s book to those in the Ukraine. As educators books are a door to learning so much and this is just one way of planting seeds that will grow God’s kingdom. Praying for you and all that are involved in the process to complete this project and those that will benefit from receiving the book.

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