When God asks a question

The LORD said to Cain . . . “Why are you angry and why has your face fallen? (Genesis 4:6)  Throughout the Scriptures God asks questions for which he knows the answers. He uses these questions to move the listener towards change. As a friend of mine once shared, A question stirs the conscience, but an accusation hardens the will (Ken … Read More

Remembering that life is a “Y”

Years ago someone introduced me to the benefit of viewing my life through the letter “Y.” That singular image has helped me understand the desires of my heart (and the consequences of following those desires) more than any other image. I continue to use it in discipling, counseling, and with anyone who is willing to listen. Today’s devotional is simply … Read More

Analyzing your temptation

I learned a helpful poem when I was younger. But only recently did I begin to use it as an instrument to analyze personal temptations. I had six faithful friends, They taught me all I knew Their names were: how and what and why When and where and who. Next time you find yourself falling to a particularly stubborn temptation, analyze … Read More