Take 20: Reconstructing the American Dream

Take 20 minutes a day and join me as we ask good questions of ourselves during this time of Worldwide crisis. Have we thought about our Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness properly? Was our security misplaced? Were the events we'd packed into our pre-quarantine lives necessary?

Take 20: Reconstructing the American Dream-Part 1
FOCUS: develop a kingdom-first mindset

All Americans are familiar with their unalienable rights, but what if Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness were meant to serve others not simply ourselves?

Take 20: Reconstructing the American Dream-Part 2

This video is live now.

LEAN: identify and depend on true security

What if the things we'd depended upon for security like our time, wealth and careers weren't really secure at all? Where does one turn for true security?


Take 20: Reconstructing the American Dream-Part 3

This video will drop 2nd week of May.

THINK: consider time thoughtfully

In the pre-quarantine era our schedules were busy--filled to overflowing. Now we're in a different rhythm. Can we maintain it after the crisis?


Take 20: Reconstructing the American Dream-Part 4

This video will drop 3rd week of May.

LIVE: maintaining new priorities

Once the quarantine ends, how will you keep from returning to your old patterns?  Maintaining the new mindset, properly focused  security, and new life rhythms is essential.


Phil Moser is a pastor and author of the Biblical Strategies series and 4M Training for Men. His books are available on Amazon and at biblicalstrategies.com
