5 steps to developing a praise journal

Presentation1The 136th Psalm provides an excellent pattern for developing your personal praise journal. Read the Psalm, purchase a blank journal or notepad and get started.

Step 1: Start with the Godā€™s attributes. Psalm 136:1 declares ā€œGive thanks to the Lord, for he is good.ā€Ā  Even if you believe your Thanksgiving list might be short, you can begin a praise journal by listing the attributes of God. Develop your own definitions ofĀ these attributesĀ from the Scriptures.

Step 2: List Godā€™s creative works. The Psalmist focuses on the creative work of God for six verses. The Bible says, ā€œthe heavens declare the glory of God.ā€ Giving God thanks for his creative work can prime the pump forĀ  more praise.

Step 3: Reflect upon Godā€™s protection and provision. The Psalmist remembers how God protected and provided for the Israelites. Make two columns. Title oneĀ  Godā€™s protection and the other Godā€™s provision. List the ways that God has worked in your past. Be specific. The events listed in Psalm 136 actually happened at a time in history so include the dates if you remember them.

Step 4: Tie it all to Godā€™s mercy. The phrase ā€œhis mercy endures foreverā€ is repeated 25 times in this Psalm. Tie your blessings and difficulties to Godā€™s gracious hand. See Paulā€™s example in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

Step 5: Review the goodness of God. The Psalms served as the ancient Hebrewā€™s songbook. The words would gain familiarity as the Israelites sang them in worship. Return to your praise journal regularly; not just to add to it, but to review, in order that you too can remember.

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